Donald Gardner Stacy
2 min readDec 29, 2020


There was nothing about The Charlie Rose show on public television that I didn’t like. I grooved on the opening music, the lead-in, the whole schmear; but I particularly enjoyed listening to those conversations he had with his guests. Rose didn’t just ask an endless series of questions during any one of his interviews, he “merely” had a conversation with them.

For some reason a moment ago I honed in upon one of his broadcasts featuring the principal architect of the Clinton economic policy, (let’s see if I can remember her name) Tyson, D’Angela Laura. I discovered a woman who spoke about ideas so quickly I couldn’t even keep up with her, and even Rose looked puzzled a time or two.

Hillary must have advised dubious Bill to bring on board this woman along with Madeline Albright. And I believe Clinton’s was the first Administration to put several women to work in some of the most important and vital roles in government. And now Biden is doing so again, and superb people, too — not like the hacks and shills Trump put in place.

I’m looking forward to the Inaugural Ball (after having listened to Biden’s first formal address to the nation). I’ll sit in front of my wide-screen TV in my rocking chair and be transported into the very ballroom!

The year 2021 is going to launch the United States into the Future. Hold on to your flippin seats! Just thinking about it has reduced the edema in my ankles and lower legs. One day two years ago a cardiologist gave me a quick examination by taking my blood pressure and briefly grabbing my ankles to see whether or not they were swollen (they weren’t, at least not then).

I probably have gout, anyway; so what’s the fuckin difference? And no, I’m not going to pose as a cultivated gentleman, that’s too far out of my ken, as it were. I’m not an actor, but I am a novelist (unpublished, as yet), and I’ve certain quixotic tendencies — which I don’t boast about lightly. Eccentricity is usually reserved for the people from the United Kingdom, not the United States, where its citizens are supposed to be prudent, church-going, and practical. Well, I qualify for two out of three of these characteristics; but, ordinarily, I never set foot in a church, temple, or mosque. I’ve always been too greedy with my leisure time. Always have.



Donald Gardner Stacy

Graduated from Pullman high school in 1970. Graduated from Idaho State University in 1988. Worked eight years in the printing trade. Lived 3 1/2 years in China